
外刊精读 | 《纽约客》: The Women's Vote (下)

成都策马 成都策马翻译 2022-10-02


It took a surge of inventive,audacious, confrontational protests,inspired in part by militant British suffragists,to re-energize the movement.In January,1917,the National Women’s Party, led by the single-minded young suffragist Alice Paul, began a campaign of civil disobedience. For the first time, protesters picketed the White House. In June,the police began arresting the protesters en masse. Convicted of offenses such as “disorderly conduct” and “obstructing sidewalk traffic”, they were imprisoned,in harsh and filthy conditions,at the Occoquan Workhouse, in Lorton, Virginia.


1. surge:这个单词很常用并且用法灵活。常用来表示数量上的猛增,相当于quick and sharp increase/rise,还有一个很生动形象的近义词:skyrocket,像火箭一样冲上天,也就是猛增。surge表示猛增也可以作动词:e.g.: The party's electoral support surged from just under 10 per cent to nearly 17 per cent.这里我们梳理一下surge的其他用法:① [vi] to rise and fall actively 形容船只在海浪中沉浮的状态e.g.:a ship surging in heavy seas②也可以单独表示海浪的翻滚:[vi] to rise and move in waves or billowse.g.: The sea was surging.③由此可以表示其他东西涌了上来:[vi] to move with a surge or in surgese.g.: He felt the blood surged into his face.④ (of feelings)appear quickly and powerfully.作名词时可以和动词相对应:① a large wave or billow 海浪② a sudden powerful forward movement,of or like a wave 像海浪般汹涌③ (a feeling) billow or rush 强烈的情感

2. audacious: [adj] taking risks to achieve sth

syn: daring, bold, adventurouse.g.: This is an audacious plan to win the presidency.3. single-minded :[adj] Someone who is single-minded has only one aim or purpose and is determined to achieve it.single-minded 可不是说某人头脑单一,相反,这是一个褒义词,形容某人目标专一。对应的反义词是:fickle-minded /ˈfɪkəlˈmaindɪd/ :不专一的,易变的4. civil disobedience:civil这个单词的含义丰富,不知道大家有没有经常弄混的情况?今天我们就来完完整整地梳理一遍吧!① [adj] of or relating to citizens 民众的,公民的,国民的e.g.:civil duties② [adj] of or relating to the state or its citizenry 国内的,国家的e.g.: civil strife③ [adj] civilized 开化的,文明的e.g.: civilized society④ [adj]adequate in courtesy and politeness 客气的,有礼貌的e.g.:It was hard to be civil when I felt so angry.⑤ [adj] of, relating to, or based on civil law; established by law 【律】民法的,法律的e.g.: civil freedom⑥ of, relating to, or involving the general public, their activities, needs, or ways, or civic affairs as distinguished from special (such as military or religious) affairs 民间的,世俗的e.g.: They got married in a civil ceremony.还有一个大家不太常见的意思,表示一种日历:of time : based on the theoretical mean sun(平均日照) and legally recognized for use in ordinary affairs

e.g.: civil calendar 民用历

5. picket :作名词最初表示a pointed or sharpened stake, post, or pale,尖尖的柱子。后来有了栅栏的意思:picket-fence再往后名词又有了troops posted in front of an army to give notice of the approach of the enemy 警戒队,哨兵。动词最初的含义也就是在某地周围围上栅栏,现在多用在抗议活动中:(+place): [v] stand outside it in order to protest about something, to prevent people from going in, or to persuade the workers to join a strike.(包围某地)抗议

6. harsh: 作形容词在词典上的含义用法都很多,大家只要紧抓住基本含义having a coarse uneven surface that is rough or unpleasant to the touch,表面粗糙的,摸起来不舒服的,其他含义都可以从这里抽象出来。试一试能不能翻译下面的短语:


harsh color

harsh voice

harsh winter

harsh realities

harsh critic








这一段的句子不算长,最后一句相对复杂,但划分之后结构也非常清晰。开头一句分词作定语,主句是they were imprisoned,后面两个状语结构。开头convict是过去分词,因为convict一般用被动形式。


一定程度上受到了英国激进反抗者的影响,美国涌现了各色大胆抗议的活动,这为争取女性选举权的运动注入了新的活力。1917年1月,全国妇女党在年轻女性爱莉丝·保尔(Alice Paul)的带领下展开了非暴力反抗运动,她是一位坚定的女性参政支持者。抗议者们首次聚集到白宫门前。6月,警察开始大规模抓捕抗议者。这些抗议者被冠以扰乱社会治安或是阻碍人行道交通的罪名而入狱,关在维吉尼亚州洛顿市的奥科宽监狱里,环境非常恶劣。

(Alice Paul)

When the women were denied recognition as political prisoners, they went on hunger strike, and guards subjected them to horrific force-feedings. The more moderate suffragists continued to lobby male politicians,for the most part politely and effectively.But when Congress finally passed the Nineteenth Amendment, and the states ratified it, that victory was largely due to the new breed of suffragist who simply would not stand down. People who had never before thought of suffrage for women had to think about it, a jailed picketer recalled, if only to the extent of objecting to the way in which we asked for it.


1. hunger strike: the act of refusing to eat as a way of protesting about something.绝食抗议collocation: go on hunger strike

2.subject: 这个单词远非主题、学科、主语这么简单。

[n]:① 实验对象② person under control or dominion of another屈服于别人统治的人,臣民③Someone or something that is the subject of criticism, study, or an investigation is being criticized, studied, or investigated. 批判、研究或调查的对象[adj]:①To be subject to something means to be affected by it or to be likely to be affected by it.e.g.:Prices may be subject to alteration. 价格容易波动。②If someone is subject to a particular set of rules or laws, they have to obey those rules or laws.[v]If you subject someone to something unpleasant, you make them experience it.使...遭受。文中就是这个用法。现在我们也能很好的区分be subject to和be subjected to了。be subject to 一可以表示容易受到影响而改变现有的状态,二可以表示服从法律或其他规定;be subjected to则表示由于外界强制施加而遭受到了不好的事情。

3. force-feed: make them eat or drink by pushing food or drink down their throat. 强制喂食

4. lobby:

基本含义是做名词时表示large entrance hall in a public building,公共建筑里的大厅。1630s用来指导下议院(House of Commons)的大厅。政治含义“those who seek to influence legislation,说客 ”于1790左右在美国开始使用,这些游说的人往往都在lobby里聚集。lobby也可以作动词“seek to influence legislation游说政客”。e.g.:Gun control advocates are lobbying hard for new laws.5. the states: states首字母如果大写则表示美国,这里是小写,指各州。6.stand down: stand up是起立,sit down 是坐下,stand down又是什么?怎么又stand还能down?

stand down可不是又站又坐,而表示:resign from an important job or position, often in order to let someone else take their place (从要职上)退下。

文中指一些女性参政论者绝不会放弃,相当于give up。



绝食抗议的意义在于通过舆论压力迫使对方(通常是政府)满足自己提出的条件。其原理在于抗议者是通过缓慢伤害自己的非暴力的方式抗议,(有良心的)政府很难找到镇压他们的借口;同时这些或者数量庞大或者影响力巨大的人群随时有可能饿死,而这些死亡都会算在对方的头上,饿死的人越多,或者饿死的人的社会影响力越大,对方就越会受到舆论的压力。强制喂食force feeding):强制喂食的历史漫长。在二十世纪初,绝食示威成为妇女参政权论者抗争的重要方式。强制喂食被施用于监狱里的绝食抗议,其后,关于强制喂食的伦理争议的讨论逐渐深化。当妇女参政论者第一次发起饥饿游行时,强制喂食已在精神病院里实施良久。



前半句由状语从句和主句构成,然后and连接了一个并列句。注意开头的从句部分的划分,被动语态“were denied”表示这些女性的选举权仍未被承认,后面的as political prisoners也修饰women。不要理解成女性否认自己是政治犯











外刊精读 | 《纽约客》: The Women's Vote (上)

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